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  • Writer's pictureBethany Pearsons

3D imagery

3D/ multiple cameras are a really good way of forming movement through a series of still images. There are digital and film methods for this, due to lack of resources I had to get creative using 2 digital cameras and separately try a 3D digital camera to get various results.

Method for a 3D digital camera:

1) Instruct model and once ready take the image

4) Insert SD card and select your two images (one from each camera of the same image)

5) Open clipboard on photoshop at 300dpi.

6) Open separate images on photoshop.

7) For first image command a---command c

8) Open your clipboard tab create timeline---command v

9) Now go onto your second image and repeat step step 7 and 8 for the second image.

10) Move second image to after the first and adjust both image lengths to 0.18. Play on loop.

11) File---Export---Save to web---save---html and images.

Evaluation- Overall, I love this technique, it looks so effective and is a quick way of imitating movement. I am really happy with the effect the camera gave and I even had to challenge myself by digitally recreating it on photoshop as we did not have the software to recreate the image on the computers. I decided to not edit the images that I took with the two digital cameras as i just didn't felt they looked effective enough and the lighting varied to much. I would attempt that again in future for improvement. However, the image is not the best quality. To improve my 3D image (final, online version), I would make the image less grainy by trialing different methods of uploading, I quite like the effect it has but I think it is just a bit too grainy and would be more effective as a clear image. I would also in future like to combine this effect with front face projection for extra wow factor. I may like to include this in my fashion film as it is effective, but I do not feel it would be relevant without including another technique like front faced projection, as mentioned before.

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