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  • Writer's pictureBethany Pearsons

GIF (fashion based)

As, mentioned previously, GIFs are a great way of demonstrating movement. I wanted to challenge myself and attempt a gif with a background.


1)Select image and save

2) open on photoshop

3) Double click background layer to transform to normal layer and create a new layer.

4) Duplicate image layer. Use marquee tool on the top 2 thirds of the image and delete so you only have the area you wish to have move. (lower half)

5) Merge altered lower half section layer onto the original image.

6) Select top copy of image (the half image) with magic wand on the background, press command, shift and I key to inverse layer.

7) Click select---modify---expand, type in 5 pixels to the pop up.

8) Click edit---puppet warp which places a grid over the image.

9) Click image to place pins around it, which will not only keep it all in place, but help move the image.

10) Select and drag pins where you want you want to move.

11) Retouch floor shading to prevent bottom layer showing on your top layer. Use clone tool; for this.

11) Select both layers and duplicate.

12) Select all layers, click window---timeline.

13) Click video timeline button and select create frame animation.

14) Select 'three line' tool in bottom right corner of image borders and click make frames from layers.

15) Select lowest layer on layer palette, go on the flyout panel and click match layers across frames. Press okay. This puts a white background you have selected on all frames.

16) Throw white frame to trash can.

17) Change frame speed to 1 second

18) File---save---export---save to web--- gif file

Overall, I believe I managed to show movement effectively through this development GIF. It clearly demonstrates movement and works as intended. However, I do believe this GIF could be smoother, you can see the leg slightly move, bits of the bottom layer (frame 1) show and I just do not believe it looks realistic enough, this hinders the piece's effect. To develop on it I would restart and use more pins using puppet warp to ensure that only the dress moves, I would also go over, erasing the showing parts of the bottom layer on the top layer, to do this I would use the clone tool. These improvements would make the GIF more realistic and effective. I do not believe I would use this in my fashion film as it does not fit my theme.

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