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  • Writer's pictureBethany Pearsons


A simple and cost effective way of showing movement is by projecting a still on to a shape and creating a timeline.


1) Select an image for background and box. Save.

2)Open image selected for cube on photoshop.

3)3D---New mesh layer---cube wrap

4)Use orbit tool to orbit around the cube

5) swap to layers tab--- create new layer (shift---command---n-key at once)

6) Place embedded---insert background image--- scale to size

7) Timeline---create video timeline

8) 3d meshes---click triangle-select cube wrap

9)drag length of animation to 6 seconds on background layer.

10) move tool----select cube

11) create keyframe by bringing frame indicator to zero and clicking stopwatch symbol.

12) move frame indicator to two seconds and rotate the y-axis to -120. Repeat at 4 and 6 seconds

13) Press return to beginning button, proof check animation

14)file---export---save for web or save as--- format---gif

Overall, this technique if fairly quick and effective in demonstrating movement. I have managed the technique effectively and it runs smoothly. However, I could have used a detailed backdrop and changed the positioning of light so that the box and background match in terms of shading. To develop this further I would attempt that. I believe this could be used in my fashion film for the intro/ending credits for extra effect, it reminds me a bit of the ending to some music videos which I would link to Kanye, whom performs religious music and services all of which relate to my theme of christianity.

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