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  • Writer's pictureBethany Pearsons


Stop start is a simple and effective way of portraying still images to be moving. It can be time consuming but I used a film camera, which would have contributed to the delay.


1) Shoot a series of images, which relate in movement, together on a B&W Film camera.

2) Follow the normal developing process to develop images.

3) Once images have been developed, scan them in to your computer.

4) Open scan in photoshop and use the marquee tool (keep on at all times) to select your first image.

5) Command A---Command C

6) Open a new, clipboard file on photoshop. Add a timeline to this.

7) Insert first image by using command V, adapt by rotating image (if needed) and set the image length to 0.12.

8) Go back onto your scan page and move the marquee tool onto your second image.

9) Command A---Command C

10) Go on to your timeline page and add this new image by pressing on a new video layer and selecting Command V. Shorten photo length to 0.12

11) Now place both images within the same timeframe (on the different layers) , lower opacity of the second image and adapt the second image (command T) to fit the placement of the first image.

12) Move the second image to begin when the first image ends.

13) Then repeat the process from steps 8-12 with your third image (so when adapting image 3, you place it with image 2 to reference)

14) keep repeating this process until you have included all of your images.

14) Crop final 'GIF' if needed.

15) File---export---save for web

Evaluation: Overall, I am fairly happy with the final result of my work. I have demonstrated my creative intention of movement through a series of stills and even challenged myself further by using a film camera to do so. I believe by doing this the video looks very effective and unique. To improve this I could continue to smoothen the images transitions for extra effect. To develop this further I could photoshop animation in to the images to add more medias to my piece, This would demonstrate further movement and my animation skills.

I do not think I will use this technique in my Fashion film as I do not believe it is relevant to my intentions. However, if i did include it (as i really like this technique and it is a new skill) I could use it as an intro or outro. This will help me to develop skills in future and can be used in future projects.

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